Adding Embroidery to my Henrietta Hinterland Dress

I posted a wrap up of my Henrietta X Hinterland linen dress that I finished a couple weeks ago. The dress is a mash-up of two sewing patterns, the Henrietta Skirt and the Hinterland Dress bodice. I chose some sweet little yellow flower buttons, and after wearing the dress a couple times I wanted to add a little bit of embroidery to the neckline. My thought process being that the embroidery would help the buttons fit in with the dress a little more naturally, so they weren’t the only yellow bits on an entirely blue dress.

I chose an embroidery pattern from a book in my collection. It’s a Japanese embroidery book by Mayuka Morimoto which I ordered from Etsy. The embroidery patterns in the book are all of whimsical forest creatures, but for this dress I just used a simple greenery pattern from the mouse page. I chose a couple shades of green from my DMC cotton floss collection, and the beads are all tiny Miyuki Delica glass seed beads, the same ones I used on my wedding dress embroidery. I traced the pattern from the book onto a wash-away interfacing (I use a sew-on interfacing). Stitching this design only took me a couple of days, and then I rinsed the interfacing away and gave the dress a final wash and it’s been in heavy rotation ever since!

In some of the photos here you can see that I added a maker’s tag to the dress, I’ll share more on that soon!